Hedya ochroleucana

Author: (Frölich, 1828)

Plum tortricid moth

Species Overview:

Adult: 16-21 mm wingspan; forewings ochreous-cream apically, sometimes faintly tinged with salmon-pink, the remainder marbled with blackish to bluish grey and brownish grey.
Larva: 16-18 mm long; head, prothoracic plate and thoracic legs dark brown to black, plate edged with green anteriorly; abdomen dark green to olive-green, with a faint yellowish green or greyish green dorsal line; pinacula paler than integument but with black centres and bearing black setae; anal plate varying from green to brown or black [Hedya ochroleucana larva ].
Pupa: dull black; in the larval habitation.

Taxonomic Description:


Hedya ochroleucana adult 1
Hedya ochroleucana adult 2
Hedya ochroleucana adult 3
External characters: 16-21 mm wingspan. Forewing ground colour ochreous-cream, sometimes faintly tinged with salmon-pink, heavily overlaid with plumbeous and black strigulation between basal patch and median fascia; markings brown, strigulated with black intermixed with plumbeous; basal and sub-basal fasciae confluent; median fascia with outer edge slightly convex, extending obliquely to tornal area; a strong concentration of blackish and plumbeous medially; two or more black dots in medio-distal area; subterminal fascia obsolescent, reduced to a pale greyish or olive-ochreous suffusion; cilia ochreous-cream, suffused with grey from apex to before tornus, with a dark grey sub-basal line. Hindwing light grey, slightly darker apically and along termen; cilia paler, with a darker sub-basal line (Bradley et al., 1979).

male genitalia H. ochroleucana
Genitalia: Valva elongated, with tufts of setae along ventral margin. Aedeagus without cornuti. Uncus broad, apex bifurcate. Socii narrow.


External characters: Forewing colouration and markings similar to those of male; hindwing dark grey.

female gen. H. ochroleucana
Genitalia: Sterigma relatively small, strongly expanding anteriorly. Antrum elongated, expanding medially. Corpus bursae with two small signa.


The intensity of the general colouration and markings may vary slightly. In fresh specimens, the salmon-pink flush is more pronounced.


Moths fly in June and July. Larvae occur from April to mid June, spinning the leaves of the host plant into a large bunch. Pupation occurs in May and June, in the larval habitation.

Host plants:

Rosa; occasionally also on Malus.


Larvae of this species are sometimes found on cultivated bushes of Rosa, spinning the leaves into a large bunch. They are also occasionally found on apple, but are of no economic importance on this host.


Europe to Eastern Russia, China, North Korea and Japan; North America.


Pheromone unknown.


Z 8E 10-12Ac
(Frérot et al., 1979a)

Z 8E 10-12Ac : 10
Z 8Z 10-12Ac : 1
Chisholm et al., 1985)