Genus Tetramoera

Tetramoera Diakonoff
Type species: schistaceana Snellen


External characters:

venation T. schistaceana
Forewing: All veins are separate; chorda and M -stem present.
Hindwing: M 3 and CuA 1 connate, R and M 1 in close proximity basally.

Forewing shape and markings:
Tetramoera schistaceana adults
Forewing elongate, with numerous longitudinal lines.

Additional characters:
Antenna in male slightly thickened, serrulate except along basal fifth, minutely pubescent.


male genitalia T. schistaceana
Tegumen slender and elongate; uncus band-like, curved, crowned with two long, divergent pencils of hairs. Vinculum depressed. Valva deeply cleft into an oval and hairy sacculus and a more or less hooked and ventro-laterally dilated, rather rigid cucullus. Aedeagus large, gradually attenuated. Cornutus, a long spine.

female gen. T. schistaceana
Sterigma little modified, lamella antevaginalis being a slender crescentic sclerite and lamella postvaginalis a weak and broad transverse band, rounded at the sides and broadly excised in middle of lower edge. Ductus bursae rather long, gradually dilated. Corpus bursae ovoid, with a finely punctulate wall; only one signum present, with well-defined edges and a small, central, hollow spine.

Early stages:

Chaetotaxy larvae unknown.
Larvae of schistaceana are up to 20 mm long; the head is yellowish brown to reddish brown or dark brown, with a small blackish streak near stemmata; the thoracic shield is slightly paler than the head, the body is greyish yellow, more reddish brown dorsally, and the anal shield is brownish yellow.


Larvae of schistaceana are stemborers of sugar cane.


schistaceana : Indoneasia (Java), China (Guangdong), Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Mauritius, Madagascar, RĂ©union, Hawaii.
isogramma : Sri Lanka, South Africa.