Tribus Sparganothini

(after Horak and Brown, 1991)


Sparganothis pilleriana males 2

The Sparganothini (about 130 species) are nearly all confined to the New World, with their greatest diversity south of the USA. Only a few species of Sparganothis are known from the Palaearctic Region and the monotypic genus Lambertiodes Diakonoff from India and Nepal. Sparganothini deposit their eggs in imbricate groups. Probably the majority of species is polyphagous on a wide range of hosts, mostly as leaf rollers.

Diagnostically important characters are given in italics


venation S. pilleriana (explaining terms)
male gen. S. pilleriana (explaining terms)
female gen. S. pilleriana (explaining terms)

Palpus porrect, long to extremely long, terminal segment often long; antenna ciliate, fasciculate to pectinate, scaling sometimes only one ring per flagellar segment; ocellus rarely absent; male often with a hood-like large projecting tuft of scales from upper part of frons. Forewing with chorda always absent; M-stem, if present, mostly to between M1 and M2; CuA1 and CuA2 often stalked. Hindwing usually with cubital pecten ; Sc + R often stalked, M2 and M3 distant or approximated at base. Male genitalia mostly with long, slender uncus; socii usually scaled, with free broad caudal lobe; gnathos arms usually atrophied (or not coalescent terminally); valva with pulvinus (except Niasoma Busck and allied genera). Female genitalia: sterigma a finely scobinate flat pocket with a cup-shaped depression in lamella postvaginalis, unless strongly derived (Niasoma) ; colliculum present; signum very variable, often a sclerotized crease.


setal map (showing position of setae on body. Note: example is not a sparganothine larva)
setal map head (showing position of setae. Note: example is not a sparganothine larva)

Anal fork usually present, crochets bi- to triordinal; head with P1 closer to P2 then to AF2; D1 on separate pinaculum on A9; SD2 on A1-A8 on same pinaculum as SD1; L group trisetose on A9; SV group of A1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 is 3:3:3:2:2; V1 setae on A9 distinctly further apart then those on A8.


Sparganothis pilleriana; Amorbia emigratella : often with median ridge between antennal bases; labial palpi usually long; A2-A7 with two rows, and A8 with one or two rows and A9 and A10 without spines; transverse groove on A2 and A3 between segment margin and anterior row of spines sometimes with "dorsal pits"; modified setae on anal rise present or absent; cremaster well-developed, usually long and with eight hooked setae.

Genera including pests (in Europe and Asia)
