Genus Lozotaenia

Lozotaenia Stephens
Type species: forsterana Fabricius


External characters:

venation Lozotaenia forsterana Fabricius
Forewing: All veins separate.
Hindwing: All veins separate or M 3 -CuA 1 extending from one point.

Forewing shape and markings:
Lozotaenia forsterana males; Lozotaenia coniferana male
Forewing fairly broad, without costal fold. Markings variable, reduced to three spots in Lozotaenia forsterana.

Sexual dimorphism:
Females usually somewhat larger than males.


male genitalia L. forsterana
Uncus broad; socii small. Valva short, tapering or rounded apically. Transtilla narrow medially, lateral parts dentate dorsally.

female gen. L. forsterana
Sterigma cup-shaped, antrum sclerotized laterally. Ductus bursae with thin cestum; corpus bursae with large signum.

Early stages:

Larvae of species included in the species cards are greenish in colour. Swatschek, 1958, provides the following diagnosis based on chaetotaxy of 2 species. V setae further apart on ninth abdominal segment than on eighth. On the mesothorax, V1 is clearly distanced from coxa. Second stemma situated closer to the third than to the first. Crochets biordinal.


Probably univoltine; larvae of Lozotaenia forsterana are polyphagous.


Palaearctic Region.