Genus Leguminivora

Leguminivora Obraztsov
Type species: glycinivorella Matsumura


External characters:

venation L. glycinivorella
Forewing: Chorda commences between R 1 and R 2, closer to R 2 than to R 1; M -stem preserved in median part only, M 3 and CuA 1 in close proximity both basally and posteriorly.
Hindwing: M 3 and CuA 1 stalked; A 1 weak.

Forewing shape and markings:
examples of Leguminivora spp.
Forewing fairly broad, costa gently curved, apex rounded, termen with slight notch below apex. Fasciate markings obsolete or narrow and irregular.

Additional characters:
8th abdominal segment L. glycinivorella
Coremata subdorsal with both broad and slender scales hidden in large posterior pocket of sternal region just before genital apparatus. Numerous broad, rather short scales on eighth sternite posteriorly. Hindwing with anal fold.


male gen. Leguminivora ptychora
Tegumen long, broad terminally, proximal portion expanding dorsally, with long-haired patches (socii) situated laterally before apex of tegumen. Cucullus broad, somewhat expanding posteriorly. Aedeagus long, curved.

female genitalia L. ptychora
Ovipositor fairly long, papillae analis small. Sterigma weakly sclerotized; ostium with short sclerite; ductus bursae fairly long, corpus bursae with two well-developed signa.

Early stages:

Chaetotaxy of larvae unknown.


Larvae feed in seeds of Leguminosae and Anacardiaceae.
Leguminivora glycinorella has one or generations yearly; 5th instar larvae hibernate.
Leguminivora ptychora is polyvoltine; there is no evidence of hibernation.


Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions.