Pandemis corylana

Author: (Fabricius, 1794)

Hazel tortrix moth
Filbert tortricid
Chequered fruit tree tortrix

Species Overview:

Adult: 18-24 mm wingspan; forewing ground colour pale ochreous-yellow, strigulated with brown; markings outlined with dark brown. Hindwing light grey-brown, apical area suffused with ochreous. Frons and dorsal and inner side of labial palpus whitish. Antennae of male with a basal notch.
Larva: up to 25 mm long, rather slender; head, prothoracic plate and anal plate emerald green; head shaded with yellowish brown, prothoracic plate lightly marked with black; thoracic legs green; abdomen green, paler laterally; anal comb well developed, with up to 9 prongs.
Pupa: light brown, abdominal segments rather slender; cremaster of almost equal length and width.

Taxonomic Description:


Pandemis corylana male 1
Pandemis corylana male 2
External characters: Antenna weekly dentate-ciliate, with notch near base. Scape and flagellum posteriorly whitish ochreous, segments sometimes diffusely marked with transverse grey bars; frons and dorsal and inner side of labial palpus whitish. Costa of forewing curved basally, then hardly concave; termen straight. Forewing ground colour pale ochreous-yellow, strigulated with ochreous-brown or dark brown; veins, fasciae and termen edged or outlined with dark brown or ferruginous; outer margin of basal fasciae oblique, median fascia almost parallel. Hindwing light grey-brown, weakly suffused with whitish ochreous apically (Bradley et al., 1973).

male gen. P. corylana
Genitalia: Uncus short, rounded and slightly concave apically; socii elongate, drooping, twice as short as uncus; gnathos strong with a moderate middle tip. Valva broad, width of valva 1.5 times greater than length, rounded dorsally; transtilla broad, narrow medially. Aedeagus simple.


Pandemis corylana female 1
Pandemis corylana female 2
Pandemis corylana females
External characters: Antenna sparsely ciliate, without notch, flagellum whitish posteriorly, segments with diffuse brown bars. Forewing colouration usually deeper and markings stronger than in male; apical area of hindwing more strongly suffused with ochreous (Bradley et al., 1973).

female gen. P. corylana
Genitalia: Distal edge of sterigma not straight, cup-shaped portion of sterigma large; antrum in the form of a broad, well sclerotized funnel. Ductus bursae short, without cestum; corpus bursae with two heavily sclerotized areas; signum moderate.


General colouration and markings varying mainly in intensity and strength; in strongly coloured specimens the forewings may approach a rich red-brown and often the cilia are deep ferruginous; more rarely the markings are reduced or obsolescent and in extreme forms the forewing is unicolorous ochreous-yellow with no trace of markings except for ferruginous colouration at the base, along the termen and in the cilia (Bradley et al., 1973).


In the UK, moths fly from July to September. They hide amongst foliage during the day, usually in the more open parts of the woods and fly freely at dusk. Young larvae hibernate, development continues from May to July. They spin leaves together, or fold leaves longitudinally. Pupation occurs in the larval habitation, in June (Bradley et al., 1973, Alford, 1984).
In Korea, moths fly from early June till the end of September (Byun et al., 1998).

Host plants:

Betula, Corylus, Fraxinus, Fagus, Larix, Pinus, Prunus, Quercus, Rhamnus frangula, Rubus, Thelycrania sanguinea, Vaccinium.


Pandemis corylana is an occasional pest of cultivated nut and fruit trees.
Larvae feed on the leaves (Alford, 1984).


Northern and Central Europe to Siberia, Korea and Japan.


Pheromone unknown.


Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata (Walker) (Tachinidae)